- Breast cancer may not directly affect a woman's fertility. However, breast cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, etc. have negative effects on women's fertility. When a woman is first diagnosed with breast cancer, it is essential that she be informed about how her fertility may be affected during treatment, especially if she is young and of reproductive age. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy work against rapidly dividing cells in the body. This helps to control or stop cancer cells from multiplying, but this treatment can also affect the body's normally dividing cells and can cause damage to gametes, ie eggs and sperm, which are the dividing cells. This can lead to cell depletion and therefore affect fertility. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, and in some, chemotherapy and radiation therapy can lead to a complete or partial loss of fertility.
Fertility preservation
Fertility preservation is an effort to help individuals maintain their fertility or ability to reproduce. The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Fetal Medicine – Dr. Alexandros Traianos bridges the specialties of oncology and reproductive endocrinology in order to maximize the reproductive potential of cancer patients and those who have overcome cancer. It appears as a way to cope with the uncertainty of pregnancy and parenthood. Techniques such as egg freezing and embryo freezing can give hope to breast cancer patients who plan to conceive later. The global prevention of egg or embryo freezing among cancer patients is about 10%. There is a growing awareness among cancer patients and the oncology community about fertility preservation. Breast cancer has become significantly prevalent in many young women today. Along with the improvement in cancer management, survival rates are also on the rise. Although there is no particular cause for the development of breast cancer, unhealthy lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, family history of breast cancer etc. are some of the risk factors that can increase the chances of developing the disease.
Other options
Not every cancer patient will have the opportunity to preserve their fertility before chemotherapy or radiation therapy. There are many cases where it is too late to make the decision to keep the eggs or embryos. For those who are not lucky enough to have frozen eggs or embryos before cancer treatment and whose gametes are completely depleted, in vitro fertilization with donor eggs is a very good solution. Egg donation is often a successful treatment for infertility in women who can no longer produce healthy eggs. Cancer is a disease where the stage of detection can decide the fate of the patient. Early detection can help prevent serious complications and recover faster than when diagnosed at a later stage. Monitoring the body, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and consulting a doctor in case of any abnormalities in the body can make a difference in the fight against cancer. Finally, awareness and access to existing advanced technologies is important for patients who will undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy, even for non-cancerous diseases. At the Reproductive Medicine Center “Dr. Alexander Traianos" we understand the stress and negative emotions that such a situation can bring. We are here to help you explore your options and realize your goals. For information, call (+30) 2310 277 032 or send an email to alexandrostraianos@gmail.com.